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The Celtic Rose Academy 

3 month womb mysteries and facilitator program  



Are you wanting to connect to the ancient Celtic wisdom of the womb and teach this to other women?
If so you are in the right place. 

Living in Australia, I’ve noticed a significant number of people are disconnected from their lineage, roots, and the folklore tales of their ancestors.

At ceremonies, most women don't know their great-grandmother's name, and I'd estimate that only about 30% know their grandmother's name. We need to remember where we come from in order to heal! 

This trend suggests a broader cultural issue where Westerners are searching for connection, meaning, and purpose in their lives, often looking into a lineage that isn’t theirs.They’re often drawn to the latest fads and shamanic online courses initiated by various coaches, but what about connecting a lineage of your our blood or a lineage that isn't mainstream?
The Celtic Rose Academy is a mystery school full of alchemy and lost teachings.

Our facilitation course is designed for women who wish to deepen their understanding of the powerful portal that is the womb, the most potent force in the world, capable of creating life itself!
In this program, you will:
  • Uncover the Mysteries of the Womb. Delve into the ancient secrets and profound wisdom that the womb holds, learning how to harness its incredible power for healing and transformation.
  • Gain Confidence as a Facilitator: Build your skills and confidence in leading your own healing circles, empowering you to guide others on their journey to self-discovery and healing.
  • Connect with the Celtic Lineage and Priestess Ways: Explore the rich traditions and practices of the Celtic lineage, embracing the sacred priestess ways to enrich your spiritual path.
  • Learn how to bridge heaven and earth learn about the divine union of masculine, and feminine energies. 
  • Heal Generational Pain: Learn techniques to clear fears and pain stored in the womb, helping women heal deep-seated generational traumas and reclaim their inner strength.
This course is more than just a facilitation program; it is a sacred initiation into the old ways of healing, allowing you to connect deeply with the womb's powerful energy and your ancestors. 
Join us to become a beacon of light and healing for women everywhere.

Enrol now and step into the ancient, mystical world of womb healing, where you will unlock your potential and transform lives through the wisdom of the womb

With this knowledge, you can help other women connect to their wombs and hearts, creating a ripple of healing. This work is incredibly rewarding and deeply respectful of the Celtic ancestors of Britain.
Our ancestors have been patiently waiting for us to reconnect with our lineage. We have forgotten their ways, but their teachings are essential, especially now in a society filled with disconnected souls driven by lust and countless other egos. 
This course is held with the highest integrity, and applicants will need to be interviewed before acceptance into The Celtic Rose Academy. It’s an honour to hold this wisdom. This is a mystery school, not just another certification or trend. It’s for women who genuinely want to learn the old ways from their hearts pull, not from desire.


If you have decided to join us on this transformative journey through the ancient traditions of the Celtic Rose Lineage.


Whether you are beginning your spiritual path or deepening your existing practice, this course offers a unique opportunity to:
- Reconnect with Ancestral Wisdom.​
- Empower Your Feminine Essence: Awaken the sacred energy of the womb,
enhance your confidence and step into the leader you are meant to be.
- Embrace the ritual and ceremony of the Celtic Wheel
- Hold space for others and learn the manual of the Celtic Rose Academy
Join us on this sacred journey to rediscover the divine feminine within and carry forward the ancient wisdom of the Celtic Rose Lineage.


3-Month Women's Facilitator Program

A journey of deep connection with the feminine and masculine energies, drawing on ancient wisdom, personal transformation, and practical tools for holding space for others.

We dive deep beyond just the feminine—it harmonizes the Heaven, Christ, Masculine and Earth, Mary, Feminine energies, helping you to balance and embody both.

* Please note the modules may change depending on what the group needs. The course structure is a guide of what to except throughout our 3 months together 

The Format: What to except
*Please note this format can change, it is a guideline of what to except.



Week 1: LIVE Welcome Circle

- Introduction to the program.

- A personal story: Sharing my journey and vision.

- Core skill: How to listen deeply and hold space for others.


Week 2: Online module. Ancestors and the Land

- Exploring epigenetics, DNA, and inherited trauma—acknowledging patterns without blame.

- Emotional trauma and its effect on our lineage.


Week 3: LIVE Session – Rites of Passage & the Four Seasons

- Understanding the natural cycles, we move through in life.   

- Learn about the Celtic Wheel of the Year and its powerful influence.  


Week 4: Pre-recorded session: Sacred Sites and Myth – UK’s Holy Grail Mysteries & Folklore 

- A dive into the sacred sites of the UK, exploring legends, famous figures, and the mysteries of the Holy Grail.


Week 5: Live Session – The Celtic Wheel and Menstruation Cycles 

- Connecting the Celtic Wheel of the Year to our personal menstrual cycles.  


Teachings and the Manual 


Week 6: Online module session. Mary Magdalene and Yeshua – The Dance of Masculine & Feminine  

- Understanding the sacred polarity of the divine masculine and feminine energies, symbolized by Mary Magdalene and Yeshua.

-How to work with these energies in business


Week 7. Live Lets talk business, how to get started! 

- What are your unique offerings? 


 Week 8: Online module session – Program Structure

- A comprehensive overview of the entire program structure.  

- Guidance on how to use the tools and concepts effectively in your own facilitation practice.  


Week 9: LIVE Session – Practice of Welcoming and Opening Sacred Space

- A practical session focused on the art of welcoming participants and opening sacred space for group facilitation.  

- Hands-on practice to build confidence in creating a safe and supportive environment for others.


 Week 10: Online Module Session– Continued Practice & Manual Review  

- In-depth exploration of the Facilitator’s Manual, ensuring you feel equipped to navigate your role with confidence and clarity.




Week 11: LIVE Session – Addressing Limiting Beliefs and Blockages

- Techniques and strategies to cultivate a mindset that empowers you as a confident and effective leader.

- Practicing being seen in your new facilitation role


Week 12: PRE recorded Embodiment. Practice and education 

- Connecting to the wisdom of the body and the power of the womb. 

- How to communicate with your body and trust your intuition.


Week 13: Live Rebirth Ceremony & Closing Circle

- Rebirth ceremony to honour your transformation during this journey.  

- Closing of the container, offering blessings and reflections.



What You Will Receive:
- 7 live calls for real-time learning and community connection. 
- 6 pre-recorded sessions to deepen your understanding at your own pace.  
- Homework assignments designed to build your confidence and skills as a facilitator.  
- A comprehensive Facilitator’s Manual, offering tools and guidance for holding space effectively.  
- Code of Ethics and guidance on contract building, helping you establish boundaries and professionalism. 
- Facilitator Practice: Opportunities to apply your skills in a safe and supportive environment.  
- Confidence-Building Audio: A downloadable audio resource for cultivating confidence and clearing old belief systems that may be holding you back.  
- Ongoing support through a dedicated WhatsApp group, fostering community and collaboration.​​​​
- A genuine interest in the mysteries of life, the unseen realms, and spiritual growth.  
- Commitment to this program is essential, you will get out of it what you put into it. 
- When you sign the contract, you are signing a commitment to yourself. The divine laws of the cosmos help you with your mission 
- Most importantly, a deep care for others and a commitment to their well-being.


Terms and Conditions: 

  • Your commitment is to show up to every call

  • 48 hour’s notice must be given if you can’t make the appointment. If you miss your appointment this is no refund and no date change. If 48 hours’ notice is given Amanda and her team will try their best to find a time that suits both parties.

  • After February 2025 this container will become a group coaching program with up to 4 other women.

  • At this stage in 2024 there is no certification.

  • The modules may change depending on what the group needs. The course structure is a guide. 

  • Through the teachings of Celtic Rose Womb Healing in Pillar 2 you will also be initiated with the rite of the womb. Once the rite of the womb has been fully integrated after 4 seasons, you will be able to initiate other women to pass on and work with the rite of the womb. 

  • Once you Pay and Enroll in the Course, The content will be available for you to rewatch

  • Videos and Content are not allowed to be Reshared Anywhere outside of the Course without permission  

  • Course content is Copyright Protected & Belongs to Amanda. All Rights Reserved.

  • No Refunds will be given after the Course Begins 

  • We ask for you to embody, integrate, sit with this rite and connect to holy grandmothers for the full four seasons cycle before (if you choose) to pass or initiate this teaching on, out of respect for the Celtic ancestor’s embodiment practices. Amanda can offer guidance and support throughout the four seasons if you would like to initiate other women. However, you do not need to wait for 4 seasons to hold a womb healing ceremony. 

  • Amanda offering What’s app unlimited support during the 3-month program, She works from Monday -Friday and will respond within 24 hours 


*Please note after this program has finished you can choose to continue with bonus social media and business structure including funnels, email automations and insurance matters will be discounted for you at only $120 for a 1 hr mentoring call 


Cost $1560 upfront saving you $90 OR pay $550 per month 

This offer is valid until November 13th 2024 


To secure this spot please let me know what you choose to do with payments. Please transfer in account:

Pay Pal:


Amanda Dyer 

BSB: 306453 

Acct: 0365992


If you are ready to say YESSS apply here: 

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About me
I'm Amanda, mother, teacher, mystic and retreat owner.
I help women remember who they truly are, while building the village and bring back the old tales of folklore and mythology. I am an old soul with a big purpose and a big heart here to bring more balance and harmony on the planet.  

Contact me: 

Instagram @lightof_alchemy

Email: â€‹

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